
About Us


Funded by the National Science Foundation, STATS4STEM provides a collection of learning, assessment, tutoring, data, and computing resources for statistics educators and their students. Our assessment and tutoring feature allows for instantaneous student feedback with question specific hints for students who are struggling. In addition, real-time learning charts and reports are available to help educators adapt instruction to meet the individual needs of their students. Our computing resources integrate real-world data with the RStudio statistical computing platform, allowing all students the opportunity to conduct real-world statistical analysis. Finally, in an effort to foster community, our site integrates a message board for statistics educators looking to share ideas, tips, and insights with other educators worldwide.


Eric Simoneau leads the development of STATS4STEM.org. He has been a teacher of both Advanced Placement and regular statistics classes at the Boston Latin School in Boston, Massachusetts, for the last nine years. He holds a MS in Statistics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, a MA in Mathematical Finance from Boston University, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 

Dr. Michelle Wilkerson leads the project’s educational research. She is an Assistant Professor of Education at the University of California - Berkeley's Graduate School of Education. Michelle's research focuses on (1) the design and study of technology-mediated toolkits for science and mathematics education; and (2) exploring how students and teachers make sense of complex, data-intensive, and statistically nontrivial quantitative and mathematical phenomena. Michelle earned her PhD in Learning Sciences from Northwestern University in 2011.

Elise Deitrick is a graduate research assistant with the STATS4STEM.org project. Elise is an Engineering Education PhD student in the STEM education program at Tufts University. She graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2013 with a B.S. in computer science. Previously, she worked on the Novel Engineering project, the BlockyTalky project, and the Nedlam's Workshop project.

Daniel Kunin is a senior at Brown University concentrating in Applied Math and Computational Biology. Daniel collaborated with STATS4STEM as he developed seeingtheory.io, an amazing collection of interactive visualizations for statistical concepts. He is interested in the connections between scientific disciplines, he is passionate about data visualizations as a pedagogical tool, and he hopes to use mathematical models to help us understand complex processes.



Sarah Wang - Harvard University Cynthia Chu - Boston College Anna Jaysing - Harvard University
Jake French - Colgate University Alex Hsia - Princeton University Celina Qi - Harvard University


1. Chris Hoadley for being a superb NSF Progam Officer for our project. Chris truly helped make this project become a reality.

2. Neil and Christina Heffernan for their superb work and support at ASSISTments.org. 

3. The four anonymous NSF reviewers who reviewed our project proposal highly and helped get our project funded. Whoever you are, thanks!